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June 10, 20239 min read

Navigating the Digital Landscape with Nihal Singh Varia

Nihal is a Software Engineer at Fox Corporation, where he specializes in crafting web user experiences and building industry-leading OTT (Over-The-Top) applications like Smart TVs and Xbox.

Inside Nihal's Setup

setups and workspaces
setups and workspaces
setups and workspaces
setups and workspaces

Tools And Software Products

  • iTerm: A versatile terminal emulator for macOS that provides advanced features and customization options. I particularly enjoy its split panes interface, which allows me to have multiple interfaces in a single view, enhancing my multitasking capabilities.

  • Fish: I rely on the Fish shell as my default command-line interface. Its user-friendly syntax, auto-completion, powerful scripting capabilities, and impressive customization options make it a valuable tool for my development workflow.

  • Notion: I use Notion as a flexible productivity tool for collaborative and visual note-taking, documentation, and project organization.

  • VSCode (Visual Studio Code): Code editor that supports multiple programming languages and offers a vast ecosystem of plugins and extensions. Among my favorites are:

  • GitLens: This extension enhances the Git integration within VSCode, providing valuable insights into code authorship, history, and changes. It helps me effectively track and understand code revisions.

  • Tabnine: Tabnine is an AI-powered code completion extension that significantly accelerates my coding process by offering intelligent suggestions as I type. It greatly improves code quality and frees me from repetitive tasks.

How would you describe your personal style when it comes to your workspace?

When it comes to my workspace, I prefer a clean and organized setup. I like to keep my desk clutter-free and only have the essential items within reach. I don't go for decorative elements or motivational quotes. Instead, I focus on creating a simple and functional environment that helps me stay focused and productive. My personal style revolves around minimalism and efficiency, allowing me to work in a clean and distraction-free space.

How do you ensure your workspace remains organized and clutter-free? Do you have any tips for maintaining a tidy and efficient workspace?

Below are the things I follow:

  1. Keep only what you need: I make sure to keep only the necessary items on my desk. This helps minimize clutter and makes it easier to manage and find things when needed.

  2. Regular cleaning routine: I dedicate some time every weekend to clean and organize my setup. This includes dusting off surfaces, wiping down my equipment, and tidying up any loose cables or items that may have accumulated during the week.

  3. Neatly arrange wires: When adding new elements or technology to my workspace, I take extra care to properly organize and arrange the wires. I use velcro-based ties or cable management solutions to keep the wires neatly bundled and easily rearranged when needed. This prevents tangled cables and makes it easier to add or remove devices without creating a mess.

How do you approach ergonomics in your workspace setup? What measures do you take to ensure comfort and prevent strain during your work hours?

In order to ensure comfort and prevent strain during my work hours, I take several measures that prioritize ergonomics:

  • Stretchly: I use Stretchly, to keep me reminded to take regular breaks and perform stretching exercises, It helps me maintain healthy work habits and reduce repetitive strain injuries.

  • Adequate lighting: I have smart lights installed in my workspace that can be adjusted according to my needs. Proper lighting is crucial for preventing eye strain and creating a comfortable working environment.

  • Ergonomic mouse: I use the Logitech MX Master 3, which is specifically designed with ergonomic features. Its comfortable grip and customizable buttons help reduce strain on my hand and wrist.

  • Ergonomic chair: I have invested in an ergonomic chair with adjustable armrests and excellent back support. This allows me to maintain a proper posture and minimize discomfort during long hours of work.

Do you have any favorite artists or genres you are listening to at the moment?

I have a strong affection for Indie pop/folk, and I frequently find myself listening to Demons of Ruby Mae, SYML, and Vancouver Sleep Clinic. Their music tends to be on constant rotation for me.

How do you envision your workspace in the future? Are there any changes or upgrades you're considering?

In terms of future upgrades, I have a few things in mind for my workspace. I'm planning to get a Samson Q2U microphone soon, which will improve the audio quality for interviews and other communication needs.

I'm also considering adding keyboard and mouse palm rests to enhance ergonomics during long work sessions, reducing strain and promoting comfort.

As for display upgrades, I have my eyes on the Samsung Odyssey 49" monitor for a more immersive viewing experience and increased productivity.

These changes will help me create a workspace that is optimized for comfort and performance, allowing me to work efficiently in the future.

setups and workspaces

What item in your workspace couldn’t you live without and why?

One indispensable item in my workspace is the Logitech MX Master 3 mouse. It features customizable buttons and macros that allow me to automate repetitive tasks and streamline my workflow. The ergonomic design ensures comfort even during extended periods of use. Additionally, its portability makes it perfect for workations and on-the-go tasks. It truly is a must-have item for me.

Could you share with us a little bit about your journey? How did you get started in development?

My journey in development began during my junior high school years when I immersed myself in playing Counter-Strike 1.6. Through this experience, I learned how to run my own game servers and share them with my school friends, enabling us to play together. This accomplishment sparked a sense of achievement and ignited my passion for technology.

As I progressed to high school, I started creating blogs and websites while also developing an interest in ethical hacking and IoT. I pursued relevant courses to enhance my knowledge in these areas. It became clear to me that my future lay in the field of development.

After completing my secondary education, I pursued a bachelor's degree in computer applications. Following graduation, I secured a position as an Software Engineer at Tagglabs, a startup specializing in software development for physical events. During my time there, I explored mobile development and native system development using QT/QML. Eventually, I found my true calling in web development and have been wholeheartedly dedicated to it ever since.

Each step fueled my passion for development and has led me to where I am today, fully immersed in the world of web development.

What does a typical day in the life look like for you?

My typical workday begins around 10 AM, starting with a delicious breakfast to fuel my day. By 11 AM, I settle into my home office and kick off work. The first task is to check for any updates or requests from colleagues in different time zones, ensuring a smooth workflow.

Between 12 PM and 2 PM, I dive into development tasks, dedicating focused time to coding and bringing ideas to life. Following a refreshing lunch break from 2 PM to 3 PM, I shift gears to conduct interviews. This allows me to connect with talented individuals and explore new possibilities for our team.

After wrapping up the interviews, I return to development work from 4 PM to 7 PM. During this time, I prioritize coding, troubleshooting, and making tangible progress on projects. In the evenings, typically around 7 PM, I have sync-ups with colleagues across various time zones. These sync-ups promote collaboration and provide a platform to discuss ongoing tasks and projects.

To maintain my energy and mental clarity, I make it a point to go for a run or walk at 8 PM. This physical activity not only keeps me active but also refreshes my mind. Afterward, I enjoy a wholesome dinner with my family and dedicate some time to side projects or indulge in casual gaming to unwind and nurture my personal interests.

As the day comes to a close, I prepare for a restful night's sleep, knowing that I have made progress in my work and that each day offers exciting opportunities for professional growth and success.

setups and workspaces

What goals do you have for this year and what are you working on at the moment?

This year, I have some exciting goals in store. First, I plan to revamp my website,, to create a platform where I can share my personal development experiences through blogs and tutorials. Stay tuned for some valuable content coming your way! Additionally, I'm dedicated to growing my Instagram page,, and connecting with a wider community of developers. If you're interested in insightful and engaging content, be sure to follow me for upcoming updates.

What is one piece of advise you’d give to anyone starting out in development

Don't settle for surface-level knowledge. Dive deeper into frameworks and stacks, understand their internals, and invest time in reading documentation. Continuous learning is key to growth.

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